$499.99 USD

Davinci Resolve Editing Basics

Get all three Courses in The Ultimate Director's Bundle and SAVE 50%!

I’ve got a pro tip for you. Did you know that some of the best directors are also great editors. If you’re intimidated or confused about how technical editing can be don’t worry I’ve got you covered.

Editing basics in DaVinci resolve is your quick start to get you editing and assembling your footage and getting great results.

You may be asking, but why DaVinci Resolve Ron? I use premiere or final cut. Editing software is like driving a car. There are some familiar things like a drivers seat, and steering wheel. Once you’ve driven one car, you could probably figure out how to drive others pretty easily.

I’ve found that DaVinci Resolve has everything I need for editing, Color, VFX and Sound. There’s also a very powerful free version.

Now I promise not to bore you with 40 hours of boring talk about editing. Instead, I’m going to give you the most important and frequently used tools to get you assembling your footage, fast and efficiently.

I found this real beneficial because the moment you’re done shooting, you’re going to want to see what you got. And because the project is so fresh, there’s this great momentum.. Now you’ll be ready to start assembling right away.

 What’s great is you don’t have to be the perfect technical editor. What you’re learning gives you incredible flexibility.

You can assemble the rough edit and hand it off to the editor.

Or, you may just wanna look at your footage and pick the best takes.

Sometimes directors have specific scenes that they really want to cut themselves.

Don’t limit yourself when you can have the free tools to shape your story the way you want. Post Production is the make or break when it comes to the success of your project.

Be sure to watch the Video on the Online Course Page that explains all the details.