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JAN 2025 Film Mentorship Program
8 Week Film Program
Preproduction Begins JANUARY 21st
on Zoom
2 Zoom meetings per week
Filming Hands On in
February, Dates TBD
Got Questions?
[email protected]
for a free Zoom Interview.
Flexible Payment Options
This is the best way to learn Directing & Cinematography, hands on!
What you'll get:
Two 2 hour Zoom Sessions Per week
Personalized Training based on your Goals
You'll receive an email confirming your booking and we will schedule your sessions directly.
Learn Script Breakdowns & Shot Lists
Make a film with Ron on set filming in Los Angeles.
Guided VIP Access to Hollywood Stages
Network with Studio Owners, Filmmakers and More.
Meet 2x week via Zoom
We cover Pre Production, Filming and Post Workflows. See the whole process!
Your finished Film includes:
4K Master of your film
Behind The Scenes
IMDB Credit
Social Media Tags, and Ad Spots
What you’ll learn:
The first step: Preproduction is priceless.
The hero checklist: use this before saying yes to a job.
Get what’s in your script not a version of it.
the 3X rule will save you time, money & frustration.
10 qualities of a great Director today.
Getting paid. The business side of being a Creative.
The 10 best camera accessories to invest in.
What's the bare minimum crew?
Time and money traps to avoid
Money saving tips
The Master Process
Creating a safe space
Powerful Storytelling through camera movement
Introduction to The filmmaking Mindset
Getting better work and hiring yourself
Creating your daily practice